I am feeling pretty dang accomplished today.
Everyone is back to work and school today (although there may be a snow day to tomorrow…knock on wood), so I'm home alone, doing my thang and getting it done in a very expedient manner.
I've worked out, started the laundry, bathed, eaten fairly healthy (the small portion of sea salt and vinegar chips I had with lunch should not be held against me) and watched several episodes of Torchwood while I finished these two babies:
My 2013 Project Life and my December 2013 Picture The Holidays albums.
This is the third Project Life album I've done and I really have to say…I love doing these. Back in the day, I was a rabid scrapbooker. I had taken my daughter to a local playgroup and one of the other moms was a Creative Memories rep. She had a small album with her that she had put together and showed it to all of us. I went bonkers. It was photos (I've always loved taking pictures), stickers (I had a sticker album when I was a kid) and was everything I felt like I needed to do, especially since my daughter was 3 years old.
But as the years went by, I gradually fell off the scrapbooking bandwagon. My daughter was entering her teenage years so there weren't as many photographic opportunities as there had been when she was little. I would put an album together every now and then, but the days of putting a two page spread together were gone.
Enter the idea of taking a photo a day to document your life plus the Project Life kits by Becky Higgins, and I was pulled back in like nobody's business. I love capturing the big events of life as well as the small, mundane moments that are often overlooked. Plus it's very cool to have a whole year laid out in front of you.
So, on the second day of the new year, I put the last two pictures in my 2013 album, added a few finishing touches then put it on the shelf to be perused at one's leisure.
Naturally I've already started on the 2014 album and even though it's only got two photos in it, I'm enjoying it. I got too comfortable with last year's album, not really venturing too much away from the basics of the kit set. But this year I've got a few ideas that I plan on incorporating to make it a little different and more personalized.
As for my Picture The Holidays album…ugh, I love it. I loved capturing the whole month in pictures. Plus I added all the Christmas cards we got in the mail to it, so that was kind of fun. I followed some of the prompts in the Tracy Clark class at Big Picture Classes. If you're into photography, you should look into her classes. They are so good and she is such an amazing photographer.
An hour has passed since I started writing this and now my man and kid are home with donuts. I guess it's a good thing I worked out this morning...
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