Thursday, February 2, 2012

Just Say Jenny

Hello dear friends of the world wide of webs and welcome to my third attempt at writing a blog Just Say Jenny!

Like how I said third attempt? You'll see why...

I started blogging January of 2006 with a little site you might recall, Scrappin Jenny. I started it when blogging was still fairly new and cool and everyone seemed to have a blog of their own (I desperately wanted to be one of the cool kids). It was a time when I scrapbooked (hence the name) and I always kept my camera on Automatic (oh how the times have changed). While I loved writing that blog and have so many fond memories of it and the people I met while doing so, by June of 2011 I just felt it didn't fit who I was anymore so I moved on...

To A Body Of Photography. When I started this particular blog, I thought it would be a fantastic way to showcase my love of photography and what I wanted to do with it. Well, I did showcase some of my pictures and I never really did figure out what I wanted to do with it so it went the way of the Dodo after 6 short months.

But lately I've found myself thinking about blogging more and more. Did I want to do this again? Is there really anymore room out there for the so-called Mommy Bloggers? I mean Dooce and Pioneer Woman have pretty much cornered the market in that particular area, haven't they? Not that I have anything against them. Quite the contrary. If anything I envy them. Anyone that can make a living off of doing this is beyond awesome in my book.

While I ate a granola bar this morning (this is the exciting kind of stuff you have to look forward to), I posted on Facebook "Just sitting here, eating a granola bar, thinking about starting a new blog...". I wasn't sure anyone was going to leave a comment but low and behold, several did. And they were all very supportive of this idea. In fact they were more than supportive. As my good friend Dana put it "Good. I miss reading you." That alone made my day and made me want to give her a big ol' hug.

So here we are...the newest and shiniest version of my blog to date, Just Say Jenny. I had been struggling with what to call it...I wanted something fun, something kitchy, something that said "Hey! This is my blog!" And so Just Say Jenny it is. Plus, it was one of the few names I had come up with that wasn't taken so booyah.

I'll bet you're wondering "What do we have to look forward to on this blog Jen?" Well, let me tell you...just about EVERYTHING! I plan on writing about my attempt at learning to play the ukulele (as of yesterday it was going well until my teenage daughter, who plays two instruments, said to me "You're not actually playing the song, just the melody"), my obsession with Jadeite (and one of the biggest reasons I hate Martha Stewart), my kid, my husband and my cat (who may or may not write as a guest blogger here. I haven't decided yet cos she's got an attitude), photography (and tons of photos) and pretty much anything that I feel like because hey, it's my blog, I can do what I want.

And on that note, I leave you with this:

See? Attitude. And a little creepy to boot.


  1. You know I love the name. And I love that you're blogging again -- I can always "hear" your voice when I read your words, which is a happy thing.

    P.S. Your cat really is a little creeper.

  2. You are seriously the sweetest.

    And yes, Cali is a creeper of extreme magnitude.
