Wednesday, January 2, 2013

To Blog Or Not To Blog

It's a new year...time to start anew, to make a list of resolutions and be the super human you hope you can be!

That seems like a lot to expect out of a few resolututions, but we can all hope and dream, right?

As 2012 was coming to a close, I began to think about some of the things I'd like to try to accomplish this year. Some were pretty basic (exercise more) some not so much (really learn how to play more than two songs on the ukulele or at least one people know) but one I kept thinking about whether I wanted to return to blogging or not.

When I first started blogging way back in 2005 (or maybe it 2004...I'm too old to remember such things) it was still shiny and new and exciting. But, as with many things, the shine wore off and I became bored with it, too caught up in the mundane aspects of daily life to remember to sit down and write (I also joined Facebook around this time...coincidence? You be the judge). 

But I had been thinking lately about how much I missed it. Missed sharing my photos, my stories, my mundane life. And I thought to myself "Yeah. You know you want to start blogging again Jen. Just do it."

So here I am. Blogging and sharing a photo of my mundane morning of coffee in front of the computer.   Believe me, there's more where with this came from, lest you thought you'd be disappointed...

Here's to 2013 and keeping resolutions! freaked me out to write 2013. That just ain't right.


  1. Aw, I need to get back to mine. I think mine needs a change of slant - it gets a little much to write about autism all the time.

    1. I can understand that. We'll see how I do with this little venture...

  2. I dig your mundane. Welcome back!
