This past Saturday was Record Store Day, which I would never have known about if I didn't have a 16 year old hipster living in my house. Naturally, she knew what records stores were doing what and where she wanted to go. And that was to the Newbury Comics in Faniuel Hall in Boston to see the group fun. And also to buy records but seeing fun. play was the ultimate goal of the day.
Now, this was not an event where you could buy tickets. No no no. You had to get there early, stand in line and take your chances at being one of the lucky 125 people to get a special bracelet that would let you in to see the performance.
At first I thought " into Boston early in the morning, stand outside to wait to see if we get in? I don't think so." But then I thought about it and came to the conclusion that maybe we'd get in, maybe we wouldn't, and either way we'd have fun. Besides, Newbury Comics was going to be selling a limited edition record of the Pretty In Pink soundtrack. On pink vinyl. There was no way I'd pass up the chance to get that.
So we got up early Saturday morning, headed into Boston and got to Faniuel Hall around 8:30 AM to find a line had already formed outside the store.
I'd love to tell you the entrance was right under the Newbury Comics sign, but it was not. It was further up.
Turns out we were around 80th in line, which assured us we would get it.
And we did.
The show was scheduled to start at 1PM, and after we were given the bracelets we were told we had to be in line at the back entrance at noon. That's a lot of standing around in line for one day. Luckily, the people around us proved to be great entertainment. The girl with the iPad on the right said at one point in time "It's so hard to tell professional photographers from hipsters anymore." I think I might have that put on a t-shirt, it's that good.
A little after 1 PM they began to herd us into the store into what can only be described the world's smallest room. We were packed in like sardines which was extra fun for someone who has claustrophobic tendencies. Which is not me. I'm just saying I imagine it would be bad if you had them.
We finally got our spot and this was the view I had:
I never really think of myself as being short, but as you can see, apparently I am.
I was able to lift my camera (way above my head) and get a shot of the band:
Or at least a dozen heads and a blurry shot of the lead singer.
Funny side story: everyone around us had their iPhones out recording the performance. This allowed me to use their phones like a Jumbotron so I could see the band.
I hate being short.
In the end? We had a great time. We saw (or in my case heard) a great band play and my daughter got to meet the band and have a couple of things signed which I know made her day.
And me? I got my Pretty In Pink soundtrack on pink vinyl. So worth it.